Design & Collaboration

Collaborative brainstorming

For brainstorming and collaboration work (virtual and/or in person)

  • Miro - 47.31% of question respondents
  • FigJam - 11.7%
  • Figma - 11.21%
  • Mural - 9.75%
  • Google Docs - 5.85%
Data below 5% are not shown. 100% of participants answered this question.

Diagramming and mapping

Creating diagrams and maps (workflows, journey maps, entity diagrams, etc.)

  • Miro - 43.9% of question respondents
  • Figma - 18.04%
  • FigJam - 10.24%
  • Mural - 7.31%
Data below 5% are not shown. 100% of participants answered this question.

Participatory design

An approach to design that invites all stakeholders (e.g. customers, employees, partners, citizens, consumers) into the design process as a means of better understanding, meeting, and sometimes preempting their needs.

Source: Olga Elizarova & Kimberly Dowd, “Participatory Design in Practice”

  • Miro - 26.34% of question respondents
  • Figma - 13.17%
Data below 5% are not shown. 100% of participants answered this question.


Process where designers draw overviews of interactive products to establish the structure and flow of possible design solutions. A good way to think of it is that a wireframe is a blueprint and a mockup is a visual model.

Source: Lucid Content Team, “Wireframes vs mockups: Determining the right level of fidelity for your project”

  • Figma - 46.82% of question respondents
  • Miro - 9.26%
  • Sketch - 5.36%
Data below 5% are not shown. 100% of participants answered this question.


Static wireframe that includes more stylistic and visual UI details to present a realistic model of what the final page or application will look like. A good way to think of it is that a wireframe is a blueprint and a mockup is a visual model.

Source: Lucid Content Team, “Wireframes vs mockups: Determining the right level of fidelity for your project”

  • Figma - 44.39% of question respondents
  • Sketch - 5.36%
Data below 5% are not shown. 100% of participants answered this question.


A simulation or sample version of a final product, which UX teams use for testing before launch.

Source: UXPin, “What Is a Prototype: A Guide to Functional UX”

  • Figma - 47.8% of question respondents
  • InVision - 5.36%
Data below 5% are not shown. 100% of participants answered this question.